Web applications are those apps that utilise the internet web browser in order to be used. They have become popular these days due to the increasing number of people that have been using the World Wide Web to keep up with technology. With this also, a number of web browsers have been developed where web applications can be opened and used. 
Here are the reasons why your business should have a web application.
Always accessible
Custom web apps eliminate the fear of not being able to access your data due to “scheduled maintenance” or unannounced server issues. Instead, you receive secure access to your data 24/7 from any device you need, whether it’s a tablet, smartphone, laptop or PC
Cost effective development
With web-based applications, users access the system via a uniform environment—the web browser. While the user interaction with the application needs to be thoroughly tested on different web browsers, the application itself needs only be developed for a single operating system.
There is no need to develop and test it on all possible operating system versions and configurations. This makes development and troubleshooting much easier and for web applications that use a Flash front end testing and troubleshooting is even easier.
Built just for you
A bespoke web app developed exclusively to meet your needs is one of the biggest advantages your business can receive from custom web application development.
Think of all the features included in third party web apps. Have you ever subscribed to an app just to unlock one feature? Third party apps are designed to fit as many business models as possible, and hence offer a dizzying array of capabilities, but chances are you don’t need everything you’re paying for.
A custom web app delivers only the precise features your business needs to excel and removes the clutter. This, in turn, simplifies the web app, making it easier for your team to navigate, and ultimately increasing efficiently.
Easily customization
The user interface of web-based applications is easier to customize than is the case with desktop applications. This makes it easier to update the look and feel of the application or to customize the presentation of information to different user groups.
Therefore, there is no longer any need for everyone to settle for using exactly the same interface at all times. Instead, you can find the perfect look for each situation and user.
Easy to install and maintain
There are fewer complications in web application installation and maintenance. The host server is the only thing that needs to be upgraded and installed with the latest software versions for it to function. Upgrading each client computer is no longer necessary. It only requires them to have the up-to-date web browsers and latest plug-ins.
Only the main server hardware also must be upgraded in cases additional power is needed by the application to perform tasks. This is because web-based software has the capacity to be increased by “clustering” or allowing the software to run in several servers at the same time. So if a single server fails, it will not affect the performance of the whole application and repair can be done without any interruption.
Web-based application development can be very beneficial to your business. It will provide convenience to you and to your customers as well.
If you would like to know more about us and want to share your project, contact STZ Soft and we will be happy to connect you with the right solution for your budget and business needs. 


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