Lead generation is a persistent challenge even among high-growth B2B businesses. Salespeople who have direct, individual contact with buyers can communicate their company’s value proposition in a tailored way. However, marketers who are trying to generate leads don’t have the same intimacy and urgency on their side.
While there are numerous B2B lead-generation ideas you can use, there are several that should form the backbone of any successful program. The following lead-generation techniques are well-tested strategies that can be employed, whether you are building your program from scratch or refining your current lead-generation process.
Ramp up social networking and personalize connections
LinkedIn is gaining impressive traction as a B2B lead generation network. In fact, 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn—a tell-tale sign that CXOs need to expand their social media.
With every other marketer reaching out on social media channels, merely connecting to prospective customers is not enough. To reinforce the “humans” behind your brand, be sure to send personalized connection requests and messages to cut through the noise of spam and irrelevant marketing. Best results come from being an active member of your community.
Aim for consistency and quality with your content marketing
Proper execution of content marketing is proven to improve lead generation among organizations of all types and sizes. Of course, you need to be strategic and calculated about what you publish and how you promote it to reach the right audience.
You have to approach your content strategy from the perspective of the customer, if you want to be consistently successful. What are typical B2B buyers looking for when they consume your content, especially content on your website? Their time is limited, and if they take the time to read something, they expect to receive value from it.
Automate social media sharing
Give your digital footprint a boost by promoting your content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and any other social platform used by your target market. However, most marketers have too much on their plates to prioritize social networking. Thankfully, there are numerous tools and apps for automating or scheduling posts, shares, likes, tweets, and any other social engagement you can think of.
Expand your thought leadership capacity through events
If you succeed at providing consistent value through content marketing, you may be able to leverage this success into a position of thought leadership in a particular industry or sector. This opens up even more possibilities for B2B lead generation, as potential customers will be directed to your insights from sources where previously they would have been unlikely to connect with you.
Thought leadership doesn’t have to be limited to your company blog or a popular industry publication. In-person education, such as seminars and short courses, can also expose your brand to a new audience. These events will help further establish your commitment to supporting your business’ partners from the beginning of the relationship.
Optimize your website for mobile
Optimizing your website for smartphones will not only prove to be beneficial to your B2B marketing goals but can also help your buyers make business decisions efficiently. Just remember that it goes beyond responsive design for your website. It involves finding new and improved ways to reach and engage your audience.
Mix high-level, quantitative data with observations from your sales team
Large swaths of quantitative data can yield important insights for your lead-generation process, but this must be paired with a commitment to data integrity. Quantitative data analytics can show you how your leads interact with your website at specific points in their journey, what drives them to a particular piece of content, or how they react to certain elements of your brand. Data analytics are also crucial for creating an intuitive lead scoring system that can help you identify higher quality contacts.
When the digital experience is always intuitive, it takes the guesswork out of predicting how your leads will interact with the website. Contemporary B2B buyers expect answers and information at a moment’s notice, and marketers must focus on crafting an experience that fulfils this expectation. With an educational, data-driven lead-generation strategy that relies on a seamless customer experience, your organization will quickly reach quality leads and guide them through the sales funnel.
Let us help you develop an effective website solution for your business, tailored to honing in on your prospective clients.
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