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It’s ridiculous, but now more people in the world own smartphones than toothbrushes. Mobile traffic is exploding and of course every company should make their sites accessible and user friendly on the mobile.Responsive web design is a hot topic nowadays and every company regardless the size and industry is working on their responsive design strategy. Responsive design gives companies opportunity to increase their sales and come closer to their users without significant investments, why, what, how? Let’s start with the obvious –mobile is a center of our personal lives and our business.
We will begin with these excellent benefits of responsive web design:
Google Recommended
Usually, when Google recommends something to the millions of digital marketers that use their search engines, they should listen. Besides the fact that Google owns 67 percent of the search market, they are also devoted to the user experience. They know from experience that users love responsive design, so if they tell you that you need to make your website responsive, that’s what you should do.
Ensures a Quality User Experience
Browsing a responsive site with a mobile device you don’t have to waste time with zooming, shrinking, and pinching your screen. The site automatically adjusts to your screen size. The simplified reading and navigation drastically improves the usability of your site. Your website is a marketing tool and it’s crucial to optimize it. By providing a quality user experience on all devices, you’re on the right track to keep your visitors satisfied and coming back for more.
Easy to Manage
When you have a separate website for desktop and mobile, you also need two separate content strategies, SEO campaigns, and design teams. Needless to say, it can get pretty complicated. Responsive design has a single foundation that can run on the same strategies and campaigns, meaning there is far less work involved for you.
Cost Effective
Responsive website design can drastically cut down on development time and cost. Rather than spending the time and resources building a separate mobile website in addition to your traditional desktop website, the responsive design approach enables you to optimize your business for all the devices with a single website. One website costs less than two, and the savings can be substantial.
Avoided Duplicate Content
Duplicate content can majorly hurt your rankings. Separate sites for mobile and desktop puts you at risk for running duplicate content on the web. Now that Google is including mobile-friendly sites into their rankings, content published on the mobile web crosses over with your desktop content, meaning that you could be publishing duplicated content without realizing it.
Stronger Link Building
Link building is one of the top tasks for SEO managers and it’s an ongoing and lengthy process to build links from trustworthy sites and when moving to a responsive design website, you can maintain all the backlinks that your original site has. Responsive web design enhances SEO efforts by having all your visitors directed to a single site no matter what device they prefer to use.
Lower Bounce Rate
When your website isn’t responsive, the speed of your web page and the appearance of the content is a major problem, contributing to a significantly higher bounce rate. Search engines interpret a high bounce rate to mean the content was not relevant to the user and will decrease your site’s rank accordingly. Responsive design still lets you display relevant content the user is looking for. With responsive design, you keep all the social shares to one site, and when a link to your site is shared, it’s easily readable on any device.
As you can see, the question is not about “to do or not to do”, the question is about “how to do it”.
Consequently, to get the best help in excellent web designing, it is always suggested to take professional help of responsive web design company, The STZ Software.
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